How I Work

Discovering the path to healing and growth is a deeply personal journey, and I'm here to support you every step of the way. Here you will find more about how I work, my approach, mindset and focus areas.

My Approach

I am a qualified Integrative Psychotherapist and Counsellor, dedicated to the belief that every client is unique in their story and experiences.
Integrative psychotherapy and counselling integrate insights and techniques from diverse therapeutic modalities, moving beyond adherence to any single theoretical orientation.

Drawing from diverse schools of thought such as psychodynamic, humanistic, relational and existential therapies, among others, my goal is to craft a tailored and flexible therapy plan that caters to the individual needs of each client. Through this integrative approach, I aim to provide a comprehensive and holistic pathway to healing and personal growth.

The relationship between therapist and client is the most critical element for therapeutic healing

— Irvin Yalom

At the heart of transformative growth lies the profound connection built within the therapeutic relationship. It's the cornerstone of my practice.

Before we embark on this journey together, I believe in the importance of having an open and honest conversation to ensure that our partnership feels right for you. We will have a check-in after 6 sessions to assess our progress and ensure that you feel comfortable and supported.

Through my experience, I've witnessed the incredible power of therapy for anyone seeking to nurture their mind and spirit. It's a deeply personal journey, and finding the right therapist to accompany you is paramount. With compassion and understanding, I'm here to be that supporting presence by your side.

My Focus Areas

From the intricate tapestry of womanhood to the tender complexities of grief and the intricate dance of relationships, I'm here to walk alongside you, offering support, understanding, and a guiding hand. Each person's story is unique, and I'd be honoured to be part of yours. Let's chat about what you're seeking from therapy, and see if we're the right fit for your journey.

My focus areas are very close to my heart, reflecting what I deeply care about and where I feel I can make a real difference. I believe in offering a safe haven where people can embark on profound personal journeys, find comfort during rough patches, and uncover those enlightening "aha" moments.


Women are intricate and beautiful beings, with their bodies deeply influencing their lives. From periods that can significantly affect daily routines to the often-undiscussed aspects of their sexuality, the female experience is unique and varied. Pregnancy presents its own set of challenges and emotions, from infertility to the difficulty of conceiving to the profound changes in the body and the nurturing journey that follows childbirth. Leading into menopause, which too, brings its own set of impacts and is often compartmentalised and stigmatised as an 'old' person's issue, making it something many feel is not worthy to talk about. Beyond the physical, women face immense cultural and societal pressures. The expectation to get pregnant to feel "complete" or to "leave a legacy" is just one of many burdens. We all know the pressure that is put on women's appearance, coming at us from every direction.

This relentless focus can infiltrate a woman's own thoughts, leading to doubts about her beauty and self-worth. Cultural norms and stereotypes shape beliefs about what women can achieve, the roles they should play, and the ways they should behave. For mothers, the lack of support and the feelings of loneliness are exacerbated by unrealistic ideals of perfection. The workplace still holds biases, with certain jobs not being associated with women, and there is often a lack of trust in their abilities. Women also face harassment, sexual comments, and sometimes abuse, which can be deeply damaging.

In my practice, I provide a space where women can feel heard and supported and feel empowered for real self-care. Here, you can speak about things you might consider unthinkable and share your inner pain, whether it’s related to illness, societal pressures, or personal struggles. My aim is to help women navigate these challenges and empower them to embrace their full potential.

Relationships: With Yourself & Others

When we grow up, we connect with our caregivers to survive. These early bonds shape how we form relationships and interact with the world. Our caregivers, in turn, learned their ways from their own caregivers, creating a cycle of learned behaviours and relational patterns. Our system is remarkably clever, adapting to survive by learning to avoid, pursue, shut down, or react—all in favour of our survival.

We bring these learned behaviours into every aspect of our lives: school, the workplace, friendships, partnerships, and romantic relationships.

These early interactions and observations shape our core beliefs about ourselves. We internalise messages from caregivers, teachers, and peers about our worth, our identity, and what we must do to be accepted. These beliefs often form an identity that may be far from our authentic self, which can become hidden within our inner system. The greater the distance from our true self, the more anxiety and discontent we may feel. When we can't truly connect with ourselves, our system may develop glitches, affecting our well-being and relationships.

In therapy, I offer a space where all parts of you can be heard, embarking on a journey to rediscover your “forgotten” authentic self. We will explore your needs, boundaries, and what self-care truly means. We'll also examine how you relate to others, identifying patterns that might be distancing you from meaningful connections. Understanding the underlying purposes of these protective parts within relationships can help you move closer to genuine connections with others.

Together, we’ll work to align your life more closely with your true self, fostering healthier and more fulfilling relationships both with yourself and those around you.

Grief & Loss

Loss and grief encompass a vast spectrum of emotions that can be incredibly challenging to navigate. From profound sadness and anger to guilt, confusion, and longing, grief can feel overwhelming and consuming. It's important to recognise that grief is a natural response to loss, yet society often overlooks or invalidates certain types of losses. Some losses are not acknowledged as such, while others are expected to be swiftly overcome. Some losses are not processed due to feelings of shame triggered by societal expectations, such as the loss of a job. Additionally, anticipatory grief, where loss is felt before it occurs, can further complicate the grieving process.

Various life events can trigger feelings of loss, including chronic illness, disability, or injury, which can represent a loss of health. Major life transitions like retirement, relocation, or career changes may lead to a loss of identity and purpose.

Losses can also extend beyond tangible aspects of life, such as dreams, expectations, and independence. Ambiguous loss, characterised by uncertainty or lack of closure, adds another layer of complexity, as seen in cases of dementia, addiction, or a loved one's disappearance. End of a relationship, such as breakups, divorces, or the loss of a romantic or platonic partner can lead to feelings of loss, rejection, and heartache.

Miscarriage, stillbirth, and the death of a loved one can evoke intense feelings of despair and sorrow. Amidst these profound emotions, society often expects individuals to swiftly resume their normal lives, but the reality is that grief doesn't adhere to a timeline.

In therapy, however, there's space to process these feelings without judgment or restraint. It's a sanctuary where you can express your deepest emotions, share cherished memories, and learn to cope with grief in your own time.